
January 31, 2016

Continuing on with my work based around shaders and panoramic projection (read the making of ‘Temples’ ).  In this this video, rather than animate the camera / spherical projection manually in After Effects, I made the camera purely random and generative, by adding noise() expressions to latitude, longitude, rotation and zoom.

Here’s a still of a panoramic frame..



also, here’s a final frame from the video – it’s more to show the detail unfortunately lost in Vimeo’s compression.  There’s a lot of fine, fast moving detail which is sacrificed.

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 14.10.51

360 Fractal / Landscape art

January 19, 2016

Been getting further into creating VR worlds using GLSL shaders, fractal / ray marching, using Processing.  I took the rendered outputs and used 360 viewing software to find some interesting stand alone compositions.

Here’s how some of the initial 360 / 180 fov scenes look..

test-003275 test-003981 vrland vrland2


and here’s how they look when playing around with a 360 panoramic viewer..

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